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How to edit your profile data

In the settings section of your dashboard, you have complete control over customizing your profile. From updating your photos to personalizing your display name, this knowledge base article will guide you through the process.

Editing Cover Photo and Profile Photo #

Editing Cover Photo and Profile Photo

To add, edit, or remove your cover photo and profile picture, simply navigate to the settings section of your dashboard. Here, you’ll find options to upload new images or make modifications to existing ones.

Updating Personal Information #

Updating Personal Information

In addition to managing your photos, you can also edit various personal details. Modify your first and last name, email address, parent phone number, and even modify your class in school. This ensures that your profile information remains accurate and up-to-date.

Customizing Your Display Name #

Customizing Your Display Name

If you wish to change how your name is displayed publicly, utilize the “Display name Publicly as” field in the settings form. This feature allows you to tailor your public name to your preferences. The display name appears in all public fields, including club membership and certificates.

Note Regarding Username Edits #

Note Regarding Username Edits

Please be aware that editing your username isn’t possible through the settings page. If you need to change your username, kindly reach out to our support team via email at They will assist you in updating your username accordingly.

Saving Profile Changes #

Saving Profile Changes

Once you’ve made all desired modifications to your profile, click on the “Update Profile” button to ensure that your changes are saved. This action guarantees that your profile reflects the latest updates and adjustments you’ve made.

We hope this knowledge-based article has provided clear instructions on managing your profile settings. If you have any further questions or require assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

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UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) No: 10087428.

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